Know About Our School

Vani Vidyalaya was established in the year 1955 under the pioneering v1s10n of the SIO MANAGEMENT with the aim “to provide quality education which can transform lives and communities at large”.

Over the last 67 years, things have changed, the world has changed, and so has this institution. What started with a holy mission in the year 1955 has exponentially grown today by pavi1’/tlie way for our nation.

The hallmark of Vani VidyalcJYa is its commitment to be a centre of excellence.. The school’s unwavering commitment to qu y education and constantly evolving fresh approach to the development of our students puts the school a notch above the rest within the locality. From very humble beginnings in 1955, Vani Vidyalaya has grown leaps and bounds, and now stands tall and proud. Today the school houses more than 3500 students from KG to Std. 12 and plus 80 teaching and non teaching staff and still continues to convert dreams into reality.

Our Mission

Educate, Empower, Elevate

Our Vision

Venturing into New Vista of Education Awakening Architects of Modern India Nurturing the Youth to be the Salt-N-Light of the World In Pursuit of Growth excellence.